Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Big News

So....I have some big news! No, I'm not having a kid :) BUT after 8 years at the DATC, I have decided to pursue a new opportunity. Starting July 9th I will be managing a plastic surgery center in SLC. I have about a million mixed feelings, but overall I am super psyched! And I have no idea why this company chose me, but it is so awesome that they did! Woot woot! Huge promotion! Super excited!

Before you start thinking of all the procedures you would like done, this plastic surgery center is unique in that we only specialize in face lifts. Still...it's pretty sweet! And a little bit terrifying that i will be in charge. Yay! For the first six weeks I will be traveling and learning the ropes at a few other centers. Our little blog might suffer, but just hang in there!

Anyway, I thought I'd share the fantastic news. And of course, John took me out to celebrate last night...One of my fave's, Bonsai!

Well, I can only hope your week is as good as mine! I'm excited to start this crazy new chapter of my life :)

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