Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Professional Kid Sitter

This weekend we had my niece Liv over so my sis could go out for her anniversary dinner. We had a fun night, but let me tell you - seven year old kids ask a lot of questions. I will be much  better prepared next time I watch her for all the questions. I mean stuff you don't think about asking...for example:

Liv: Who just text you?
Me: My friend, Monica.
Liv: Why did she text you?
Me: She text me to say that she is soooo hungry.
Liv: Why did she text you that?
Me: Because she hasn't eaten because she is working.
Liv: Where is she working?
Me: She is in California.
Liv: Why is she in California?
Me: Because that is where she is working - she is at a tradeshow.
Liv: What is a tradeshow?
Me: It is where a whole bunch of companies that are similar get together and try and sell their stuff.
Liv: Like Overstock.com? Was Overstock.com there?
Me: No, this was for the dental industry. Like for toothbrushes, floss, that kind of thing.
Liv: The dental industry? Was Dr. Barret there?
Me: Yes - yes, Dr. Barrett was there.
Liv: Well, Dr. Barret is my regular doctor - not my dentist.
Me: Thinks to self - oh crap!

And then, just like that - we moved on to a new set of questions. It was so funny! She is entertaining to say the least - I mean that kid has some energy. She is stinking cute as can be though - take a look!

Yeah, she brought her entourage of stuffed animals with her. Oh and yes, she made that pizza all by herself. Pretty yummy!

After we ate dinner, she played us some music from her "phone." I must say - the little girl has good taste.

It was a fun night and totally out of the norm for us - but it seriously was a good time. For amateur kid sitters, we did OK :) Maybe we will be professionals soon if my sister lets us watch her again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm bringing Cash right over :)

    Man that girl is freaking funny!
