Friday, January 13, 2012

Dishwashing and Man Food

We have this rule at my house - if I cook, John does the dishes, and if he cooks I do the dishes. Naturally, this rule leads me to think of just about any excuse to cook because who likes to do dishes? Maybe dishwashers? ;) Of course, John just goes along with it because a. I am a better cook and b. I secretly think he likes doing dishes. I should add that he would object that I'm a better cook (in fact, I read him this and he did object)’s just his competitive side speaking though, I am certain that deep down he knows I am better!  

John does cook every so often, and when he does for some odd reason he still does the dishes! See...I think he secretly likes it! AND I certainly am not going to point out our arrangement mid dishwash - because again, who likes to do dishes! ;) I should add the dish doing is actually not too bad when I cook. I clean up as I go and if a dish is in the sink for more than .25 seconds my OCD gets the best of me and I wash it anyway. Yeah, this whole time you guys thought I was a jerk - hello, I'm not!  

Well, that was a long intro for just wanting to say that John cooked for me last night! Woop woop! And no, I didn't do the dishes. Surprise! Anyway, I had guitar lessons and right after that, we had to go to an HOA meeting. Yes, I take guitar lessons because after all I am 30 and I've yet to sufficiently master playing an instrument.  

Apparently, John cooks man food. I was talking to my coworkers yesterday and they asked me if John ever cooked. I told them of course he does. They then proceeded to ask if it was man food-you know, like just grilling? I thought about it and told them that if John cooks it’s usually something fried, something grilled, or tacos. I guess that is man food? But then again, that would describe a lot of the things I make. Boy was I shocked when I walked in and we were having burgers :) BUT not just any burgers, jalapeƱo buffalo cheeseburgers! Mmm! And they were yummy (I think my love for food is rubbing off on John)!  

Look how pretty! Yeah, mine doesn't have a bun because I don't like them and if I do get a bun, I pick it off about 1/4 of the way through.

So, you’ve learned a couple of things:  
1. My hands are super pretty because I don't do dishes.  
2. John makes dang good man food.  
3. I repeat - I am a better cook than John!


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